Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Saturday, June 29, 2013

The Walk to the Giraffes

I will tell this story as a Chinese restaurant owner; hopefully i wont offend anyone.  Add accents wherever and whenever.  Sorry. No connection to wifi. No able to blog. You want sweet an sour sauce with that? Yesterday. All driving, and driving and no miso soup.   We ate at Spur, Texas style in Dundee.  We are staying at this national park called Ithala.  It is in the hills and we can walk here because there are no lions.

 Today: wake up and eat, but not egg rolls. Then, go meet private guide, Jeremiah, but he did not have a good name like yours truly, Mr. Wong . Next, drive to hike and hike for 3 hours, but hike no end in Chinese restaurant, that be better. See vilderbeast (English: wilder beast), Impala, Reebok, Wort Hogs, and James II. James 1, scary little kid that follow around Ben for 4 days. James II followed where ever went people.   James II is a single male blue vilderbeast that followed us on our hike.  jeremiah said wilderbeast love to watch people and are very curious.  james II STAYED about 500 meters in front of us and then would turn around and watch us.  He would hide behind bush and stick his head out to spy on us.  We named him James II after the other little stalker boy.

After. They eat. But not good, because not from "Mr. Wong's Chinese Emporium."  We now bring health and food grade up to F-!!" After. Go on game drive and see Giraffes, Zebras, and all other animals named before, and half of them on sale at Mr. Wong's Chinese Emporium!! They very good with duck sauce and Chop Sueey. After they take lot of pictures, they go eat food, but not my famous Fried Rice. After they chill. Now they blog.

Your Fortune Cookie
Bring Laughter and Farts (I'm looking at you Grandpa Michael)
Lucky Words: Ben is Awesome (if you say that in front of me, I might let you live........)


1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe that you did this whole blog as a chinese restaruant owner! While your story telling was charming and inventive, for a smart mouthed 12 year old, you did, in fact, insult Granny's close friend, Morris Hamshu. I know she is far too classy to bring this to your attention. Anyway, Morris, who takes his Chinese ancestry very seriously, was noted for having invented Peaking Duck. As you well know, the preparation involves stalking the duck in question until you can catch him unawares "peaking" around a corner. Then you hit him with a heavy mallet upside the head. The resulting delicasy is quite tasty. You should be ashamed of yourself, poking fun at this great Chinese chef and restaurant owner.
    How did I get on this? Where am I?
    I really do miss you guys . . . can't say why.
