Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Animals and Me

I just got home from the 'safari', and it was a blast!!! There were a lot of lions. In one area, the were feeding lions in a closed, smaller habitat. All the lions were just laying around and finishing the bits of horse and cow head, intestines, and everything in between.  They were watching us closely, like we were guinea pigs in a lab or lunch.  One lion in particular was staring at me. I felt so happy, yet freaked out because I had my first stalker. After a while, we went to go see tigers and leopards, but on the way we stopped at a adapting habitat. (This is where they keep the newly received lions until they can find a pride for them to join).  That's were it became very funny.

The new lion was an albino  lion named (insert name here). When my dad was walking up to take pics, the lion pounced at my dad,and although there were 2 electrical fences, my dad jumped and started to run from the animal that was  'chasing him'. Everybody started cracking up. We were joking that the lion didn't want to eat him, but be friends.  It turns out that she was from Johannesburg Zoo and had killed someone, and had gotten shipped off. She jumped at my dad twice.  After we went to the tigers. There was a tiger that in my mind, looked out of a video game. I don't know why, but it just did. His name was Koda. He was amazing. It was awesome. After we saw a leopard that was somewhat fat (she wasn't fat, but she wasn't not fat). It was amazing. Overall we had a lot of fun (except for my dad who got the bejeeberes scared out of him).

Tot Siens


  1. I just finished writing you a very witty and long comment, but it didn't let me post it. Bummer! I will try once again.
    Wow! It's hard to keep up with you. It seems as if you jumped off the plane and ran right into your adventure...never looking back. I love that you are seeing all these incredible animals so close in a natural inhabitant. It is truly amazing. And it's so good to hear that everyone still has their fingers and toes. (especially your Dad). Did you fall asleep to the lullaby of a lion's roar?
    Sorry to hear about the problems on the first leg of your trip. Even though it wasn't fun, I'm guessing by this time, it's the FUNNY beginning to your South African experience. It's good to laugh!!
    And speaking of laughing, I'm sure Grandpa will impart his wisdom to you as often as possible.
    Keep on having a fabulous time.
    Sending you lots of love,
    Grandma JOANIE

  2. Just love your blogging. So sorry that your first flight was so eventful, but happily that is all behind you now. Wow, quite some excitement at the lion park. Thank goodness you were there to look after your Dad. Although he comes from Africa, we never had a lion as a pet!
    The HP Sollingers have just left but Sammy has stayed for a sleep over. They are all enjoying camp and Jack has started playing T ball which he is also enjoying. Tomorrow is his party and he is so, so excited!!
    Have fun and keep the family safe
    Much love,
    Granny and Papa XXXXXXXXXXXXX

  3. Sarah . . . your prose, composition and grammar are awesome. You are expressive and informative at the same time.
    Ben . . . your writing style suggests the eloquence of Shakespeare combined with the drunken frenzy of Mel Brooks. It's not bad, but it does take some getting used to.
    In any case, the two of you are a dynamic duo, like Batman and Robin, Froggy and Miss Piggy, Maurice Chevaliere and Hermine Gingold, Burns and Allen, to name a few.
    The description of your act of charity reminds me of the time Clyde Shlimovitz Beatty and his wife Myrtle Shlepper (she insisted on keeping her maiden name) found themselves in a similar situation. However, there was no Matza Meal in those days (it wasn't invented until Moses patented it much later). But, they were both kind of heart and weak of knee so they went to the nearest Subway and ordered 337 foot longs, mostly chicken breast with ketchup and mustard, to go. Rumor has it that this feast was so well received by the hungry populace that Clyde and his doughty wife were immediately enshrined. Unfortunately, the plaster of paris in which they were memorialized hardened sooner than anyone expected and the couple spent some long hardened days waiting for the rains to come.

  4. Dearest Sarah and Ben . . . sorry that I got distracted and wandered far afield in my last missive. In the future, I will try to stay more on point.
    Anyway, when dealing with lions and hungry pygmys it is well to remember that it is not critical to win the race. It is, however, very important to not be the slowest or last.
    It is for that reason, as well as her charming personality, that Shlimovitz always took his robust and junoesque wife Myrtle along on his more dangerous expeditions.
