Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Slow Monkey

Today was a nice day. I heard that the weather's bad in Chi-town, but its still good because the Blackhawks won the STANLEY CUP!!!!!!!!!!!! My life has meaning again!!!!! 
So anyway... Today was a good day. The weather was nice, like around 75 degrees, and sunny. We started off with horseback riding, which was fun, but been there, done that. If you are not familiar about what I'm talking about, then read my Utah blogs. It was nice, but I got stuck with the slowest horse in the group. He was slow and hard to get moving, so he kind of reminded me of Grandpa Michael. It was funny, because Sarah's horse's name described her absolutely perfectly. The horse's name was Bin Laden. After, we ate and and sat outside and tried and succeeded in finding monkeys. We were given the choice to go on a 4 hour hike or hang around and play chess and badminton, so I asked myself "What would Grandpa Michael do?" So I decided to stay and chill. We played lawn bowling, and badminton, and went to check out the aviary. We then just came back and ate supper, and if you don't know what 'supper' means, then shame on you for not paying attention to what my dad says.  We're now just chilling in our huge (and for us, too fancy) chalet. 

 See Ya, Y'all
(Blazing Saddles)
(Watch it)


  1. Why is your chalet too fancy?? How about some pictures?? Also one of your horse......... to me it sounds as though he went at the perfect pace! Do you enjoy boerewors?? I know you like biltong and chutney chips!! Have you had enough of those already? Have some chops on the braai for us!
    Much love
    Granny and Papa XXXXXXXXXXX

  2. Benjamin . . . I am flattered that you are choosing to take on some of "style", but you might want to wait a couple of years. Most of my shtick is more appropriate for a doddering old man.
    As for my sense of humor, I consider you a worthy heir. It's obvious that my daughters could never get it right.
    What's all this stuff about boerewors, biltong and chutney chips? When Shlimovitz and I were traversing the outback, back when men were men and girls were somewhat different, things were
    not so easy. If you wanted to eat, you had to hunt and kill. And what you ate was determine
    by the speed of your mount and the accuracy of your weapon. As it turned out, Clyde and I were pretty thin in those days.
    As for the sport of lawn bowling, often confused with cricket, could get pretty dicey. Some of the larger Bushmen chose to roll pygmies. This practice, however, came to an abrupt halt when
    the SPOP was formed. Myrtle Shlepper, already the president of North Shore Hadassah, was a guiding light in the piazza. But, I'm digressing. Can't remember from what.

  3. Hey Ben! Your days seemed to be filled with adventures and relaxation (or chilling ---- as you so eloquently put it!!!! ) I was surprised to learn you went horse back riding in Aftica.... Are you at a dude ranch???? ...lawn bowling???? badminton ????? Really, wouldn't it have been more fun to ride an elephant or a zebra ?????? (Mind you I have nothing against horses... In fact I loved our ride in Jackson Hole... As I recall, Grandpa entertained us all as he got on and off his mighty steed,) Just a word of warning: DON'T COMPARE YOUR beautiful, laid back, sweet tempered SISTER TO BIN LADEN !!!! That name is a very cruel trick for the horse. But I'm guessing your sister could tackle anything. By the way what was the name of your horse? Today marks the beginning of our 50th High School reunion celebration. Big doings in our neighborhood!!! Hard to believe anyone is that old, Huh!!! I can't believe it either. Keep having the best time.
    lots of love, Grandma JOANIE

  4. Benjamin,

    Your writing is funny and clever, who's doing the writing for you?
    You are missed. Not by me but I'm sure someone misses you.

    Keep the writing coming!
    Grandpa David
