Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Where back!!!

We are now finally back in Croatia (and grandpa, there is no such person you speak of)!!! What a tiring day it was! We woke up and went to a bakery, I didn't like it there, so I got a better bread roll at a grocery store across the road. After that we looked around a church and then walked around the old city in Mostar, Bosnia. We went to a mosque and me my sister and my dad went up the minaret On the way down was the excitement.We got stuck behind a scared lady who was yelling at the top of her lunges every few seconds. It was nerve shocking. After that we hoped into the car and drove to some pools with waterfalls and swam there, it was really cool, but pleasant. The real shock of the day was when I got out of the car and found a wasp on the back of my foot, It was painful for only about 20 min. But it was very, very scary for me. After that we drove to Split and there we got ice-cream, I got chocolate and Sarah got snickers. Then my dad made pasta and now Sarah and my mom are playing steel the bundle (a grandpa Michael game). So bye for now!!!! I miss you!!!! Split, over and out.


  1. Ben . . . are you saying that there never was a Croatian patriot named Bogislaw Stanislovski or a philosopher named Murray Shostakovich? It cannot be. According to Vladimar, my interpreter and dietician, these men are a critical part of the lexicon of Croatian folklore. I am shamed by your lack of faith.
    Would I lie to you?

  2. Ben and family, your travels seem to revolve around ice cream and cookies! The sights you are seeing are all amazing and keep on enjoying them.
    See you soon. Love Granny and Paqa

  3. Split is supposed to be so beautiful. Boy, have you had some incredible experiences!!!!. I'm guessing by now you are laughing alot about the lady who was screaming on the way down from the top of the minaret. She must have been really really scared. Poor thing. Since you all got out safely, I think it's probably a good thing to laugh when things like that happen. I am sorry to hear about the wasp sting. That really hurts. But at least you got your ice cream fix for the day. I send you lots of love..
