Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Monday, July 11, 2011

What a long day!!!

(As I said in the title) what a long day!!! I spent a quarter of the day in a lousy bus with some big mouth, big skull, little brain maniacs, where I got a fat headache and I also got nauseous. Definetly not my best 3 hours. Then we got to the Sachne (natrural water pool) and started swimming. The water was very nice, but it was to hot outside, so when we changed we had to wait in the blazing sun for about half an hour. When we went back, again I also sat in a bus full of big mouth, big skull, little brain maniacs all the way for Sachne (near Tiberias) to Kvar Vardiim (which is a about an hour and a half drive). So, in the end, my day was okay. Laters!!!!


  1. Aren't you a "big mouth, big skull, little brain maniac"? OK maybe not the "little brain" part, but the rest certainly applies! Sounds like an OK day. Hope tomorrow is better. Love.

  2. Great post! So sorry you have to endure all those "big mouth, big skull, little brain maniacs"... I'm guessing they are not all that bad. However, knowing you, the heat of the desert is difficult for you, my hot blooded grandson!!!!!! We send lots of love.

  3. Very cool blog, Ben. Do you play soccer at camp?

  4. Nikki says...
    Why were the kids so annoying? Could you even understand them? Can't wait to hear more!

  5. Jill says...
    I love hearing about your amazing adventures!
