Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Ben goes Bafana Bafana

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Viva Brazil

Dear followers,
I know that it have not communicated yet, but stuff happens. I have settled down in rio with the Mizrahi's. Our apartment is across the street from Ipanema beach. Also, next to our building across the street is the hotel that the team from Netherlands is staying in. Yesterday, we flew into rio and landed @ 5:30 in rio. We needed to get our tickets for the game, and there was a ticket office at the airport, but it only opened at 9:00, so we chilled out at the airport for 3 hours. After we got the tickets and arrived at our apartment, we watched all the game. Since we were with the Mizrahi's, we needed to go somewhere for the Mexico-Brazil game. We decided to go to the fan fest. It was a big screen on Copacabana beach, and and a lot of people showed up. We had to stay in the back. We watched the game with sore eyes from squinting, sore ears from all the yelling, and sore legs from all the standing. The Mizrahi's were very into the game, expressed by Rami's yelling in Spanish, while I was not so excited. The game ended in a tie, although the game was really close. This morning we slept (me) 13 hours, and my dad was forced to wake me up because we had to leave @ noon because we were going to the Spain-Chile game. Me and my dad sat on the second row of the second level in the corner. They were really good seats. Chile surprised us all with a 2-0 win that caused the World Cup champions from 2010 to be eliminated. The game took up the entire day because we only got back at 7. We went out to dinner and watched the Croatia-Cameroon, which decided if the Mexico-Croatia game we are going to see is going to be interesting, and now it is. As of now, I'm sitting on the couch watching an intense soap opera in Portuguese that I don't understand one bit.
Com grande amor (you can translate it),


  1. I am in receipt of your most recent transmission and I want you to know that I, Luis el cagadero, will make every effort to illucidate
    the events you are witnessing. I will draw on my many years of intimate familiarity with soccer. Together with my wife, Sophia la gran pedo, we played in tandem on the Libyan National Team for 32 years. When they finally discovered that we were Jewish our careers came to an abrupt halt. It wasn't so much a religious thing. I think they just objected to Sophia's mustache and arm pit hair. No accounting for taste.
    I recall one particular game in which our team, which consisted of Sophia and I, three shepherds, two goats and a water buffalo, a really terrific goalie, faced the onslaught of the Croation 12. We were down 7 to 0 after 3 minutes of play when Sophia took exception to something one of their forwards said and kicked him in the balls. For that she received three yellows, two reds and the ultimate pink card. My lovely wife had to be restrained from decapitating the ref. Unfortunately there is not much more that I recall from this game. I think Gadafi hailed Sophia as a national hero.

  2. Hail Ben and all the group down in Rio,
    I simply can't keep track of all of Grandpa's wives!!!!!!
    We, too, stayed across the street from the Ipanema Beach. It was a holiday when we were there and the beach was absolutely jammed... with humanity. Sounds like you are well into your World Cup experience. Even I was surprised that Spain lost yesterday. Yes, I knew!!! I listen to the news!!! and keep my eyes and ears primed for any World Cup news.
    It's been raining off and on here, and the temperature has been very fickle....yesterday it suddenly dropped from the 80's to the low 60's in the evening....
    I love hearing from you. Keep on, keeping' on!!! Stay safe and enjoy it all.
    "With Great Love"
    Grandma JOANIE
